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Teenage Depression and How To Deal With It?

Today, one of the most prevalent thing around is depression. Remember those days, when we only knew depression as something which happened to other people? They were pretty sweet, weren’t they? Many of us know people who have suffered from depression. Some of you might have experienced it first hand. One of the biggest issues of the decade has been teenage depression. Even though we are closer to each other than we have ever been with the help of technology, no generation before has ever has felt the level of loneliness that we have. How does this happen? What does this signify? Well, there are tons of questions but sadly very few accurate answers. So, here is my attempt to answer it.
*I am targeting the topic for teenage depression here. That is why I will be using this key phrase more often. But this doesn’t mean that depression for teenagers and people of other age category is any different. It is the same for all.
What is Teenage Depression?
Most of you might already know what is depression. So this is for the people who don’t exactly understand what it is. Depression isn’t just feeling sad. Everyone feels sad, but that does not mean they are depressed. Depression is a very serious medical condition which affects your brain negatively. It makes you feel low. Depression can very easily make you feel like your life is worthless. But fortunately, it is curable (will come back to that later).
Symptoms For Teenage Depression
Teenage depression or not, the symptoms for depression are more often the same. These are some of the symptoms for depression:
  • The feeling of constant sadness and having a low mood.
  • Not feeling hungry anymore.
  • You aren’t able to sleep properly.
  • There is a big lack of energy inside you and you don’t feel like doing anything.
  • Your life feels worthless to you.
  • Thinking about death and suicide.
If one or more of the above-mentioned symptoms are troubling you for at least two weeks. You are clinically depressed.
Understanding Teenage Depression
One of the things to consider before going ahead is that different teenagers have different reasons behind it. There is no definitive cause behind depression. But if you look at all the cases closely, you will find a pattern of common thought process amongst the teenagers which face depression. According to stats, after a subtle decline in the 1990s in depression and suicide rates in teens, the numbers have again started rising in the last 5 years. The stats suggest that 47% more people and teenagers go through the medical condition today.
While no one can understand the definitive cause (if there is one), children/teenagers today face much more pressure from the school, family, and society. Then there can be reasons such as financial problems at home. Some children also have to go through family problems, maybe their parents fight a lot, or they aren’t allowed to express themselves comfortably. For some teenagers, it is because they lost their relationship with someone they loved a lot. The thing is, there are countless number of reason and not one.
The Reason Behind Teenage Depression
What seems to be happening today is, we all are raising and being raised as an unprepared generation. Most of us have been protected by our parents for a major part of our lives and never taught the coping skills that are required in the real world. When you go to social media, you are compelled to think that you should always feel good about yourself, and if you don’t, maybe there is something wrong with you.
One of the other major reasons behind depression and anxiety amongst teenagers is stress. Today’s generation has to go through the kind (I mean the new kind of stress, earlier generations had to face stress as well, but of different kind) of mental stress no other generation has ever had to go through. Our young minds just aren’t ready for it. We don’t know how to process it calmly.
The Contributing Factors Behind Depression
Our biochemistry also plays a major role in determining whether we will go through depression or not. The way everyone’s brains are made and wired is different. If you know anything about the brain, you will know that it is all of the chemical reactions inside it that makes us feel things. Like that, when we go through depression, our brain’s neurotransmitters start working differently.
If there has been a history of people suffering from depression throughout your family, that makes you prone to it as well. Sure, your personality and the environment you live in plays a huge contributing factor to it.
How To Treat Teenage Depression
Well, to treat any problem, first the acknowledgement of its presence is required. If you feel you don’t have depression even after all the symptoms showing up, you won’t be able to cure it. To cure it, there are different methods available. One is medication. Medication is a very tricky thing. Most often it is not right for the first time. It is hard to determine the right amount of drugs one needs to stay calm and happy. The most common drug to treat depression is antidepressants. Then there is psychotherapy. It is effective to treat mild depression. Another one is electroconvulsive therapy. You can also go to a therapist and talk to them, but it is not everyone’s first choice. To treat people suffering from depression, these are the most common methods.Some Alarming Facts About Teenage Depression
It’s mind-numbing figures, but here you go:
  • A teen takes his/her life in every 100 minutes around the world.
  • Amongst people of age between 15 to 24, suicide is the third most common reason for death.
  • Almost 20% of teens go through depression before they reach adulthood.
  • Only 30% of teens are treated for depression out of all the teens that are suffering from it.
  • Female teens are twice as prone to develop depression than male teens.
  • Most often, teens who are abused at an early age go through depression.
  • Young people who go through difficult trauma are more prone to suffer from depression.
Don’t Commit Suicide
Young people out there, who are reading this, you are not alone. Most of the people around you have been through depression or are going through it. Sometimes, you may feel overwhelmed with all the emotions inside you, but they are not going to stay forever. If you get any suicidal thoughts, then please share it with someone close to you. You can also get help by calling this number if you are in India – 022 2754 669. You can also visit AASRA. They will also help you through it. If you are not from India, don’t worry, you can find your country’s suicide helpline here – click on me.
If you still aren’t able to find help, don’t worry, you can contact me through this website and I will try to help you in any way possible.
The suicide rates in the world are soaring up. Around 8,00,000 people commit suicide every year. Every 40 seconds someone is committing suicide because of depression. Let’s not take this lightly anymore. If you can see any of the symptoms of depression in any of your friends or anyone close to you, help them. Don’t say things such as – ‘man up dude’ or ‘don’t be weak’. Help them before it is too late.
Maybe we haven’t learned to live in this advanced world. For thousands of years, we had lived without the comfort of advanced technology and thoughts. But in recent years, our world has taken a huge leap. We are still fairly new to this system. There is growth in every sector and we just don’t know how to comprehend it. We are all just in a race to do something we aren’t even sure about. I believe it would take us at least a 100 years to come even close to an understanding of how to live in this world. But maybe then, we would need another 100 more years to understand how to live in the ‘then’ world. The point is, just let life happen and live it while you can. Be happy ðŸ™‚Some Alarming Facts About Teenage Depression
It’s mind-numbing figures, but here you go:
  • A teen takes his/her life in every 100 minutes around the world.
  • Amongst people of age between 15 to 24, suicide is the third most common reason for death.
  • Almost 20% of teens go through depression before they reach adulthood.
  • Only 30% of teens are treated for depression out of all the teens that are suffering from it.
  • Female teens are twice as prone to develop depression than male teens.
  • Most often, teens who are abused at an early age go through depression.
  • Young people who go through difficult trauma are more prone to suffer from depression.
Don’t Commit Suicide
Young people out there, who are reading this, you are not alone. Most of the people around you have been through depression or are going through it. Sometimes, you may feel overwhelmed with all the emotions inside you, but they are not going to stay forever. If you get any suicidal thoughts, then please share it with someone close to you. You can also get help by calling this number if you are in India – 022 2754 669. You can also visit AASRA. They will also help you through it. If you are not from India, don’t worry, you can find your country’s suicide helpline here – click on me.
If you still aren’t able to find help, don’t worry, you can contact me through this website and I will try to help you in any way possible.
The suicide rates in the world are soaring up. Around 8,00,000 people commit suicide every year. Every 40 seconds someone is committing suicide because of depression. Let’s not take this lightly anymore. If you can see any of the symptoms of depression in any of your friends or anyone close to you, help them. Don’t say things such as – ‘man up dude’ or ‘don’t be weak’. Help them before it is too late.
Maybe we haven’t learned to live in this advanced world. For thousands of years, we had lived without the comfort of advanced technology and thoughts. But in recent years, our world has taken a huge leap. We are still fairly new to this system. There is growth in every sector and we just don’t know how to comprehend it. We are all just in a race to do something we aren’t even sure about. I believe it would take us at least a 100 years to come even close to an understanding of how to live in this world. But maybe then, we would need another 100 more years to understand how to live in the ‘then’ world. The point is, just let life happen and live it while you can. Be happy ðŸ™‚Some Alarming Facts About Teenage Depression
It’s mind-numbing figures, but here you go:
  • A teen takes his/her life in every 100 minutes around the world.
  • Amongst people of age between 15 to 24, suicide is the third most common reason for death.
  • Almost 20% of teens go through depression before they reach adulthood.
  • Only 30% of teens are treated for depression out of all the teens that are suffering from it.
  • Female teens are twice as prone to develop depression than male teens.
  • Most often, teens who are abused at an early age go through depression.
  • Young people who go through difficult trauma are more prone to suffer from depression.
Don’t Commit Suicide
Young people out there, who are reading this, you are not alone. Most of the people around you have been through depression or are going through it. Sometimes, you may feel overwhelmed with all the emotions inside you, but they are not going to stay forever. If you get any suicidal thoughts, then please share it with someone close to you. You can also get help by calling this number if you are in India – 022 2754 669. You can also visit AASRA. They will also help you through it. If you are not from India, don’t worry, you can find your country’s suicide helpline here – 
If you still aren’t able to find help, don’t worry, you can contact me through this website and I will try to help you in any way possible.
The suicide rates in the world are soaring up. Around 8,00,000 people commit suicide every year. Every 40 seconds someone is committing suicide because of depression. Let’s not take this lightly anymore. If you can see any of the symptoms of depression in any of your friends or anyone close to you, help them. Don’t say things such as – ‘man up dude’ or ‘don’t be weak’. Help them before it is too late.
Maybe we haven’t learned to live in this advanced world. For thousands of years, we had lived without the comfort of advanced technology and thoughts. But in recent years, our world has taken a huge leap. We are still fairly new to this system. There is growth in every sector and we just don’t know how to comprehend it. We are all just in a race to do something we aren’t even sure about. I believe it would take us at least a 100 years to come even close to an understanding of how to live in this world. But maybe then, we would need another 100 more years to understand how to live in the ‘then’ world. The point is, just let life happen and live it while you can. Be happy ðŸ™‚

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