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Pseudo-Feminism Has Derailed The Concept of Feminism

Pseudo-feminism has become the new face of feminism in India and around the world. Since the inception of #metoo movement, people have woke from their sleep and started voicing their opinions on gender equality. If you feel offended reading the first three lines, chances are, you are a pseudo-feminist as well.
Fake feminists are pseudo-feminists in simple words. These people think they are doing a service to the women by diminishing the credibility of men. Pseudo-feminism is the reason why people don’t like feminists today.
To understand this better, think of pseudo-feminists as people who only raise their voice when it is convenient for them. For example, some women who want equality between genders still leave the check for the men after dinner or a date! They think this is chivalry, ironic.
To understand the concept better, let’s look at some real-life examples and start from the most recent one.
1) There is a reality show produced and aired by MTV India – Roadies. During the interview, Neha Dhupia, who is one of the judges in the show, said something so inexplicably stupid that she became a laughing stock for the whole nation. Here is how the conversation went (not exactly quoting their words, but you get the idea) –
Neha – You said in your form that you have hit a girl.
Contestant – Yes mam, I slapped her. The reason was she was dating me and at the same time cheating on me with 5 other boys.
Neha – (In a dramatically angry voice) it is her choice, she can date whomsoever she wants to. If she is cheating on you, maybe the problem is in you. You can’t slap her.
Here is where she is very wrong. First of all, the girl was wrong to cheat on her boyfriend with 5 other guys and that should not be encouraged. Second, people slapping others is not okay. But then it should be same for everyone. Neha Dhupia encouraged and praised a female contestant from the previous year’s interviews when she said that she slapped four guys.
So apparently, girls hitting men is okay, but men hitting girls is not! Neha’s counter-argument to this is that she only wants to convey to people that they should not hit each other. But seems like she only wants men to tie their hands back, not women. Just to add, Neha wasn’t the only one in this scenario, Nikhil Chinappa, also one of the judges was seen supporting her.
2) This is a very brutal case that you might already know about. It is an incident which took place at Amity University, Noida. Harsh and Madhav, two students from the university pursuing their BA (political science) were beaten up by a group of 10 to 15 people inside their college.
Madhav and Harsh were finding a spot to park their car when they saw a girl stopping her Ford in the middle of the road. Harsh quickly went to confront the girl about this and they got into an argument.
Both of them were beaten up later by the influence of the girl. When Harsh and Madhav lodged an FIR against the girl, she lodged an FIR against them in return. She complained that they threatened to disfigure her face if they ever saw her in the college again and molested her in the car.
It became very convenient for her to get both of them beaten up by a group of men by simple saying, they were molesting me. She also got support from the men in lodging the FIR. Later, the men who were with the girl came with rods and beat Harsh and Madhav a lot. Both of them were hospitalised but released soon.
This is what pseudo-feminism is, using gender’s credibility to get other men beaten up.
3) This is an incident which I witnessed. There was this old man who seemed weak and tired in the bus seating in the seats reserved for women. A woman came and asked him to get up. When he requested her that she let him sit there, she didn’t.
She said that the seat is for girls and you can’t sit here. Principally, she is right. The old man didn’t have the right to sit there. But she could have let him sit there as well right? If a pregnant woman or an old woman is seen standing in the bus, men are expected to give up their seats for them, which is how it should be. They need those seats, but the same case was with the old man as well.
The girl who got him to stand up was fairly young and could have stood for some time. If I had a seat, I would have given it up for the old man, but I was standing as well. No one on the bus gave him the seat, which is anti-feminist of everyone on the bus if they think helping pregnant women is their duty, then so is helping everyone else who is in need.
There are so many more cases of pseudo-feminism which can be listed here, but you get the idea. So let’s move ahead.
Why does anyone get paid? The answer is pretty simple; it is for the value you provide. Not for the time, not for the gender, but only for the value. So why are men and women paid indifferently? Why is anyone paid indifferently? Simply because some provide more value than the others.
Most of the feminists have been continuously asking for equal pay and questioning why are there fewer women in top-level management? The base of their argument is stats and graphs which they procure from different news sources.
What these feminists don’t understand is that these are just graphs/stats and these graphs/stats don’t convey the qualitative aspects but only the quantitative ones. So sure, when you pick out the numbers, you will see there are more men on the top and women are comparatively paid lesser than men.
The reason is, men generally tend to go for high-risk jobs. With high risk comes big rewards, as simple as that. At the same time, it is also about the kind of work both the genders do. Not a lot of women would sacrifice their family and time to sit in an office and work 18 hours a day. This is not for 1 day, 1 month or 1 year. It is for more like 5 to 10 years to build a company and go big.
Not that women can’t do this, but only that most of them don’t want to! When a study was conducted where both men and women were free to choose any career they want, most of the men chose becoming CEO’s and women chose becoming Nurses and teachers. This clearly shows the kind of priorities both the genders have and it has nothing to do with what they can and cannot do.
The answer to this is not as simple as you think. You can think that there is discrimination based on gender, which can be the case, there is no ruling out that scenario. But there can be another reason as well and that reason is that the value provided by the man is more than the woman.
Bill Gates would be paid certainly more than a woman sitting at the same table, working at the same level of management. Simply because he is Bill Gates and the kind of value he provides to the table is unmatched.
Since there can be two possible scenarios, why do we have to think it linearly and only conclude that it is discrimination? Psuedo-feminism leaves no room for logic in this regards!
Pseudo-feminism has brought the culture of picking on men. These fake feminists do the exact same thing which they are fighting against. They are like, no if he is being a jerk, then we have the right to be a jerk as well. This is hilarious at times.
If a guy goes flirts and sleeps around, that doesn’t mean a girl should too. The principle is, you can, but you shouldn’t. Someone telling you that you are doing something wrong and if your counter-argument as a feminist is that if the guy can do it, I can as well, you are stupid and you are not spreading feminism, but pseudo-feminism.
Feminists today pick on men. How does this happen? Read ahead! 
Pseudo-feminists take these small percentage of very successful men and then compare it with the rest of the women to show a difference. How does this make sense?
At the same time, when successful women are compared with other men, they are only compared with the successful ones and then shown the difference. There will be a difference most of the time because again, men tend to go for higher risk and bigger risk means bigger rewards. How many women have left their colleges and went to start a company compared to men? Very less!
Pseudo-feminism is a slow poison for society, both for men and women.
There is no denial in the fact that women have been suppressed for a larger part of human evolution. But at the same time, no one can deny that the world today gives women as many opportunities as men. Women are free to go start companies, party at pubs and the culture allows it. Maybe your parents won’t allow, but the culture has no problem with it.
When a man does not have a social utility, society looks down upon him as if he is nothing and he is tossed to the bottom in the level of respect. You can’t provide for your family, you are not a man! You are good for nothing, you can’t even drive a car, you are not a man!
But a woman can never go out of social utility. She can still marry a rich guy, become a housewife and then complete her dreams if she wants to. A girl can drop out of a college and risk for going with a start-up, even when she loses, she won’t be worried about her life. But if a man doesn’t win and lose all the time and capital on his start-up, he won’t be looked at with respect. No girl would marry him.
Another big advantage women have over men is the ability to get things done by other people (men). Life for an Instagram model if she is a woman, is far easier than if he is a guy. Women who haven’t done shit are followed in huge numbers on Instagram! How is this not an advantage to earn money?
Every feminist seems to be talking about the disadvantages women have, but no one talks about the advantages they do over men. At the same time, no one talks about the disadvantages of being a man. The phrase – ‘grass is greener on the other side’ is true for pseudo-feminism. These feminists think that men have got it all.
Do you know how much pressure it is to constantly provide for your family? The problem is, no one wants to understand this, because men are supposed to provide! This is how we have evolved and it is not a sad thing, but it is a thing that is out there unacknowledged most of the times. Men have a hard life as well. Men get raped too, sure, they can’t get pregnant and the emotional turmoil may be different, but how do you decide?
How does anyone decide that raping a man is less of an offence than that of raping a woman? The Indian Penal Code clearly shows the difference between the two. India’s law says that men can’t be raped. Rape is only penal-vaginal forced intercourse, whereas for men it’s anal intercourse (termed as sodomy).
How and where do you draw the line where it is decided women and men have different levels of emotional turmoils?
Pseudo-feminism is at an all-time high today. To improve, all of us need to accept a few things together. Men and women are different, we are not equal. But the inequality here is in the sense that we are biologically different and have evolved in our own ways through thousands of years.
Embracing our true nature is really important for all of us. This is not to say that women have evolved in a way where they can’t run big companies. They can do that, but the point is, most of them wouldn’t want to! There is nothing wrong with that. Most men don’t want to stay at home but work from outside, but this means there are some who wants to. It is not bad, but it is what it is.
Women and Men, both have the capabilities of doing great things. Yes, women have been suppressed a lot and it is unfair, but to use that as an advantage to suppress men and call it feminism is not the right way to go about it.
Feminism is a concept which should only mean that women should be empowered enough to get equal opportunities, but there should be logic and reasoning that should follow. It should not be a blind demand for equality, because we are different creatures biologically and nothing will ever change that fact. I wish to see more women doing what they want to do, but questioning why men are more successful and they are not, tells more about them than then men who had the same opportunities.
People do discriminate between men and women at times which is not good and it should not happen! At the same time, feminists should not enrage about things which they don’t understand and be open to listening to men, not hate them. Hating men and doing the same things they do is not feminism, but pseudo-feminism. Don’t be woke at the cost of your intelligence and logic pseudo-feminists. If you don’t understand the difference between pseudo-feminism after reading this, maybe you don’t want to!

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